Last Friday was the last official work day for teachers until the middle of August. As one of our assistant principals was inspecting my classroom to make sure I'd properly packed everything away for the summer, so custodians could clean and polish the floor and maintenance crews could get to the air conditioning system for repair work, my colleague across the hall asked him when we would be able to get back in our rooms to get ready for next school year.
She was completely serious. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I said, laughing. Other than a few teacher workshops over the summer, I don't want to think for even one second about school for the next 10 weeks or whatever it is, much less worry about coming in over the summer to get ready for next year! I haven't even begun to recover yet from this year. Good grief ... Right now, I'm getting ready to drive to Chicago, then follow Route 66 from there to Los Angeles. I'll be taking pictures, shooting video and interviewing people along the way for a new book on the historic highway, and people and places along the way. I'm a little nervous -- I don't know why -- but I think it's going to be another interesting adventure. Meanwhile, I have seven books out on amazon right now -- check 'em out by clicking here. If you've read any of my books, first of all, thanks! I hope you enjoyed it/them. If you don't mind going to the listings page for anything you've read and writing me a book review, that would be outstanding. Reviews increase a book's exposure and gets it out there in front of more people. So as I get ready to hit the road again, let me leave you with this: "There are seven days in the week, and someday isn't one of them." Not an original quote, but a good one. I tend to be the king of procrastination, but I'm workin' on it. That and a whole bunch of other stuff I'm working on this summer. Ciao, y'all.
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